Application to Officiate

All Pacific Northwest Officials are encouraged to expand their experience by officiating at higher-level Officials Qualifying Meets (OQM)(PNS Championship, Sectional, and National) meets. The links below are applications to officiate at these meets. These meets all have deadlines for applying to officiate, and some are fully staffed in advance.

Information about OQM and National meets: Walk of Stars Powerpoint Presentation 

Did you know that Pacific Northwest Swimming will contribute to your travel expenses for working at Sectionals, Futures, certain zone meets and national level meets? It's true!

In May 2023, the PNS Officials Committee and Board instituted the PNS Officials Education Travel Reimbursement Program. This program is to encourage PNS officials to further their skills by participating in zone and national level meets. Follow the link for a description of the program, what meets are eligible, and how to apply for the reimbursements.

Pre-Authorization Travel Form
Travel Reimbursement Request

Questions? Please contact John Gagliardo

Certifications for the Different Types of Meets

Pacific Northwest Championship Meets- Any registered USA-Swimming Official

Sectional Meets-Certified in your LSC plus LSC experience

Futures-Certified N2 + Sectional Zone experience with previous evaluation consideration

Junior National Championships- Certified N3 for assigned position* preferred + N2/N3 ST with relevant experience and previous Evaluation consideration

TYR PRO Series- Certified N3 for assigned position* preferred + N2/N3 ST with relevant experience and previous evaluation consideration

National Championship/U.S. Open/ -Certified N3 + Juniors or Pro experience. N3 DR for ST and previous evaluation consideration 

Olympic Trials is by invitation- Certified N3 + Juniors or Pro experience. N3 DR for ST and previous evaluation consideration 

*Assigned position is Deck Referee (DR), Starter (SR), Chief Judge (CJ), Admin Referee (AR) 

APPLICATIONS (updated 06/15/2024)

Meet Location Referee Dates Application Link
PNS 14&U LC Champs
  Federal Way, WA Matt Kahn July 24 - 27, 2024 Link